Applications, league fees, and rosters will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. No team shall be accepted as a member of a league until the required fees have been paid and a fully completed roster has been submitted, along with a team application form and Team Manager’s Agreement. This roster must include player names, addresses, phone numbers and zip codes for at least eight (8) players. Checks, made payable to the City of Lancaster, cover the cost of umpires, equipment (game balls), league administration and information, staffing, facility usage, ASA and USSSA registration, scorekeepers (if applicable), awards, and field maintenance. Scoreboards are not covered in the league fees. Submit cash, company or personal check, VISA, MasterCard, or money order payable to the City of Lancaster. Any team paying fees with a bad check will be barred from participation in the current and future City of Lancaster Softball Leagues.
Submittal of Roster: Each team must submit a completed roster form with a maximum of 16 players, including player/manager, (written player name, address, city, zip code, and telephone numbers for each player) at the time fees are paid. All signatures of rostered players must be on the official roster by the end of the scheduled classification game. Church League rosters are unlimited in size. Player Addition/Deletion Procedure: Added players will be eligible only after approval by the League Director and the proper forms are submitted and signed by the manager. All added players remain under the classification rule: if the player is judged to be of a higher caliber of play than the league in which he was added, the addition will be rescinded. Hardship Rule: With League Director approval, teams may add players at any time during the season if they are under hardship. Hardship for men’s and women’s softball is eleven (11) rostered players or less. Hardship for Co-ed softball is six (6) rostered men and/or six (6) rostered women players or less. The player-waiting period is waived for teams under hardship, but Player addition/Deletion forms must be submitted to the League Director before 5:00 P.M. one (1) day prior to game day. Teams not under hardship may add players and may be under a seven (7) day player-waiting period before becoming eligible. Additions will not be taken over the phone, by fax, or at the parks, and are not considered final until approved by the League Director.
League Size:
League size will be determined by the League Director, and play ten (10) league games and one (1) classification game. Teams registering after the close of the advertised registration deadline may not be scheduled for a classification game. Classification games may be waived if unnecessary for division placement.
League Champion & Placing:
The league champion will be determined by overall league record. Ties for first place will be determined by playoff(s). Playoff games are encouraged to be played the following week, however, are not mandated. Ties for second will be determined by the following tie-breaker system: 1) If a team is tied with a team that they forfeited to during the season, the team that won by forfeit will win the tie-breaker; 2) Head-to-Head record of the teams involved; 3) Run differential of the teams involved; 4) Total runs scored during the season; 5) Least number of runs given up; 6) Coin flip.
Inclement Weather:
In the event of really bad weather, the Adult Sports Staff will make a judgment on the playability of the softball fields by 5:00 p.m. on game day. Do not assume that your game will be rained out. If you do not receive a phone call from the Adult Sports Staff, consider your game to be as scheduled. We will not call teams to inform them that games are on schedule, only that they have been canceled.
Reschedule Requests:
The schedule must be played as published unless changed by the League Director. Once league schedules are distributed the games set forth are considered permanent. Any specific schedule requests must be made known to the League Director prior to, or at the classification game. All games requested to be rescheduled will be played at THE END OF THE SEASON. Reschedule requests will be handled strictly in the following manner:
Opposing team is called by the City of Lancaster and told of the request to reschedule by your team; they are given the option of, A) accepting the request to reschedule, thereby allowing the City of Lancaster to place the game on a selected, available Sunday; or B) denying the request to reschedule, thereby accepting a forfeit win for the originally scheduled game.
Your team is called back by the City of Lancaster and informed of the decision of the opposing team. If the opposing team accepted the request to reschedule, then you will be told of the game time and date by memo towards the end of the season; if the opposing team denied the request then you will be told of the forfeit loss. Once a makeup game has been scheduled, via a team’s request to reschedule an original game, then that game is set in stone, and it will not be made up for any reason other than inclement weather or other related circumstances. Once you make a request to reschedule a game you immediately give the power to the opposing team to select one of the above options–you will not be allowed to rescind your request if the decision made by the opposing team does not please you. Any games forced to be made up by weather or other related circumstances will be made up at the convenience of the City of Lancaster. Games postponed by weather or other related circumstances that do not affect 1st place league finish may not be rescheduled.
Game Times:
Sunday 5:15, 6:30, 7:45 p.m. 1 hr 10 min or 7 innings, whichever comes first Mon-Fri 6:30, 7:45, 9:00 p.m. 1 hr 10 min or 7 innings, whichever comes first. Tie games will be continued for one (1) inning only. Once a new inning starts it will be played to its conclusion.
Game Locations:
League and classification games are played at Sgt. Steve Owen Memorial Park – see map for field locations. Game locations, and their abbreviations, as they will appear on your schedule, are as follows:
OMP Field #1 (OMP #1)
OMP Field #2 (OMP #2)
OMP Field #3 (OMP #3)
OMP Field #4 (OMP #4)
OMP Field #5 (OMP #5)
OMP Field #6 (OMP #6)
OMP Field #7 (OMP #7)
OMP Field #8 (OMP #8)
Player Age: All players must be sixteen (16) years of age or older. Players aged 16 and 17 must have a parent permission form submitted along with the team roster. Church League players may be as young as 14 years of age, with a signed parent permission form.
Classification Game:
Classification is an art, and not a science. The classification process will go much more smoothly if your team has all of its eligible players participate, and your team plays to the level of its ability. Tie games are not played out during Classification games–we are enforcing a strict one hour and ten minute time limit. In order for the City to properly classify your team, we ask that all of your rostered players attend the classification game and play your normal positions.
Our goal is to place teams in leagues on the nights that they request, and in a league in which they will be competitive–it is not always possible to place teams on their first requested night. During the first two weeks of the season we will be checking league results closely.
In the event that our 5-step classification process does your team a grave injustice, please call us immediately so that we can take another close look. We make no guarantees about being able to move teams disagreeing with their classification. There are no refunds for teams disagreeing with their league classification. Games will be played at the Department’s convenience. Please note that if your team placed in first or second place in a particular league the previous season(s), there is a strong possibility your team will be moved up one division. In the event that one or more of your players is unable to make the Classification Game, then the following guidelines dictate the eligibility of your player(s):
Players listed on the roster but not signed must come into City Hall to sign the roster. Players listed and signed on the roster are eligible immediately. It is the manager’s responsibility to make sure that all of his/her players have signed the roster, not the City’s responsibility.
5-Step Classification Process
1) Teams are evaluated during the classification game on the following items: pitching, hitting, defense, team speed, base running, team work, and competitiveness.
2) Teams are checked for roster consistency (if applicable) from season’s past.
3) League records (if applicable) from season’s past are checked.
4) Requests for night of play are considered.
5) Competitiveness and league availability are considered.
Team Eligibility:
If any team, or player, is deemed to be of a higher or lower caliber of competition than players in the Lancaster Leagues, the Sports Office has the right to re-classify that team, or player, at any time during the season, or that team may be prohibited from playing and will be refunded their full entry fee. There will be no pro-rated refunds for players that are prohibited from playing.
Playing Guidelines:
There are six (6) divisions of play: Men’s, Women’s, Co-ed Hardball, Co-ed, 40+ and Church League.
A player may be legally rostered on more than one team, however if a player is legally playing on two teams in the same night, the City will not make special considerations for game times. Also, if you play on more than one team in a night, games will not be held up for you to travel from one field to another. All games will begin promptly as scheduled. Playing on more than one team in a given night is your decision, and the City will not penalize your opponent by making them wait for you to finish your earlier scheduled game.
Players that are rostered on more than one team in a specific division must play on teams that have been placed in a similarly classified league. Players that are deemed to be of a higher caliber than the league they are requesting to play in may have their request to be added to a specific team denied.
*Since leagues and the talent of teams differ from day to day, the League Director will determine if a player will qualify to play in a certain league and for a certain team.
Non Rostered or Illegal Players:
Any player playing, or attempting to play, under an assumed name or any team using a player not on the roster will cause that team to forfeit the game(s) in which the player played. The manager may be suspended for two (2) games. Any further incident may result in that team’s immediate removal from the league. Players should always have identification with them. The Athletics Division has the authority to forfeit any game, at any time during the season, due to the use of illegal players.
High School or College Eligibility:
Any person currently playing on a high school or college team is ineligible. If you are unsure of your status, please check with your high school or college coach.
Adult Softball games will be played under the current ASA rules and local City of Lancaster Rules.
Official Game Time:
Official Game Times shall be kept by the umpire. Verify this time prior to the start of the game. Game time will be suspended during injuries.
Grace Period:
There is a ten-minute grace period for each of the three games of the evening. The ten-minute grace period is considered part of the Official Game Time. The games shall start no later than 6:40, 7:55, and 9:10 p.m. for mid- week games, or 5:25, 6:40, and 7:55 p.m. for Sunday games.
Each player must personally sign the card prior to the start of each game. The penalty for late sign-in is possible forfeiture of the game. Illegal signatures may result in a forfeit and suspension of the team for the entire season.
Line Up:
Prior to the game, the team manager shall provide the scorekeeper with an official line up. Substitutions will be made in the official manner, according to the ASA rule book. If a player is injured, ejected, or leaves the batting lineup, and there is no substitute available on the roster, an out will be recorded only the next time that player is due to bat. That player will then be skipped for the remainder of the game with no penalty and may not return to the game. In Coed, you can’t bat more guys than girls. There is also no leapfrogging , which means a girl follows a different girl each time through the lineup and vice versa.
Each team in encouraged to come prepared at game time with matching uniforms. Uniforms must be tasteful in nature, and absent of sexually or morally explicit words, phrases, or pictures. Matching uniforms are not mandatory for league play.
If a team forfeits a game, a win will be awarded to the team forfeited against. The use of the softball field will be available to the team forfeited against for the length of the regularly scheduled game. No officials will be used during a forfeited game. Two forfeits without prior notification in a given season may automatically cause your team to be removed from the remainder of the league schedule without City notice; excessive forfeitures with prior notification may cause your team’s removal from the league schedule, as well. Forfeits may also jeopardize your teams’ league standings–if you have forfeited during the season, league standing preference will be given to a non-forfeiting team in the event of a season-ending tie.
Planned and Unplanned Forfeits: In the event that you anticipate being unable to make a scheduled league game, please call in to the Athletics Division to inform us of your planned forfeit.
A game shall be called an Unplanned forfeit if:
1) A team fails to field eight (8) players at the designated scheduled time. Forfeit time is 10 minutes after the listed game time for each game of the evening, ex.: 6:40 p.m. for first game, 7:55 p.m. for second, and 9:10 p.m. for third game.
2) If, in the opinion of the officials, a manager does not have control of his/her team.
3) Continued delay of the game after the official has called both teams out onto the field.
4) Continued harassment of officials, players, coaches, or spectators.
5) Team and/or spectator violation of field rules and regulations.
6) Use of illegal player(s).
Home Runs:
1) When a player hits a home run, the player has the option to either A) run all the bases, or B) touch first base only. Players are no longer required to run all the bases, however, he/she must at least touch first base.
2) If there are runners on base, they may also A) run the remaining bases, or B) touch only the next consecutive base. Each batter/runner is required to touch the next consecutive base at the minimum.
Protests must be submitted according to ASA guidelines and the following City of Lancaster parameters. Protests must be made known to the Umpire at the time of the supposed infraction and before the last out of the game. Softball staff or Umpires are not required to inform, or make recommendations to, teams regarding viability of protests, or the procedures necessary for filing a protest. Protests must be submitted to the Athletics Division no later than 6:00 P.M. the following work day (5:00 P.M. on Fridays). (Note: A protest will be denied if the protesting team is using illegal players as well. Both rosters will be reviewed by the City.)
Alcoholic Beverages:
No alcoholic beverages are permitted on school grounds or on park grounds before, during or after the games. Forfeiture of game, along with league expulsion, may result if this occurs. Support your favorite watering hole–drink there, not at the park.
In an effort to clean up the loud, obnoxious swearing that sometimes goes on at softball games, our umpires and staff have been instructed to warn or eject players or spectators that insist on using loud, obscene language. Using the “F-word” will be automatic grounds for ejection.
All injuries should be attended to by recreation staff on-site. All attempts will be made to return to game-flow as soon as possible, barring unnecessary liability to the injured player(s).
Mercy Rule:
A game may end anytime after five (5) innings, when a team is behind by fifteen (15) runs and has completed its turn at bat. For tie-breaking purposes, any game ended by the mercy rule will be considered a 15-run differential regardless of final score.
NOTE: All Rules not specifically covered below shall be referenced to the current Amateur Softball Association Rulebook. The League Director shall rule on all matters of rule interpretation and application.
A team will have the option of batting any number of legally rostered players from 8-16, with any remaining rostered players being withheld as substitutes. All defensive players must be in the batting order. The starting batting order must be followed and may not be changed after the game has started with the first pitch. Players arriving after the first pitch of the game may be added to the end of the batting order immediately upon arrival or must be used as substitutes.
Any batter failing to bat, due to removal from the lineup for any reason, regardless of number of batters in batting order, will be automatically out, if no legal substitute is available ONLY the first time a batter fails to bat. If this penalty is missed, said penalty shall still apply if the error is discovered in the same inning. In this case, an additional out would simply be awarded to the defensive team, with no further penalty. Said player shall not participate any further in the game. This space shall be skipped for the remainder of the game with no further penalty.
A batter will be called out, when after having two strikes, hits a second foul ball. If the foul ball is caught, it is alive and in play. Otherwise the ball is dead.
Any pitched ball that touches the ground before reaching home plate shall be declared a dead ball. The batter shall not hit or swing at the ball after it bounces on the ground, plate, or plate extension. Penalty: Ball is dead. Batter is declared out.
The Home Team May Elect To Bat First.
The pitch must arc higher than the batter’s head and no higher than 12 feet from the ground. Penalty: An illegal pitch will be called. An illegal pitch must be signaled verbally at the same time the umpire gives the delayed-ball signal. A ball is called on the batter and the ball is dead. Exception: If a batter strikes at an illegal pitch, it shall be a strike and the ball is live and in play (unless the ball touches the ground before crossing home plate.) If a batter hits an illegal pitch, the ball shall be live and in play. In both cases, there shall be no penalty for the illegal pitch.
A substitute may replace a player whose name appears in his/her team’s batting order, but such relieved player shall not there after participate in the game except as a coach or manager. There is no Re-Entry. A violation of this rule results in the use of an ineligible player. Upon discovery, the ineligible player must be removed from the game and replaced with a legal substitute. If no legal substitute is available, then the game shall be declared a forfeit.
A manager may have another player run for a base runner. A manager is entitled to one courtesy runner per inning. Additional Courtesy Runners may be used by consent of both managers and made known to the umpire. If a player is currently a courtesy runner when it is his/her turn to bat, then another courtesy runner shall be used for the player. When a courtesy runner is used, it shall be the player of the same sex as the original base runner who:
1) Was the last official out in the inning
2) If no outs, the last official out in the previous inning.
3) In the first inning and no outs, the batter listed last in the batting order.
4) If an incorrect runner is used, said runner is replaced with the correct runner with no further penalty.
Base runners must remain in contact with the base until the pitched ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. No base stealing. If a runner advances illegally to the next base, he/she is declared out. If the runner does not touch the next base and is returning to his/her legal base, he/she can be forced out if the throw reaches the base first. If after a pitch, the ball is thrown to any fielder other than the pitcher and a dropped ball or an overthrow of intended fielder results, the ball is live and the force is removed, and the runner must be tagged. All runners may advance at their own risk, and need not retouch.
Double Base:
When a Double Base is used at first base, the following rules apply:
A batted ball hitting the inside base shall be declared fair and a batted ball hitting the outside base shall be declared foul. The defense must always use the inside base. When a play is being made at first base, for safety reasons, the batter-runner is strongly encouraged to use the outside base. The responsibility for contact shall be on the Batter-runner. If there is another play after the play at first base, the batter-runner may be called for interference for failure to use the outside base. On extra base hits, hits to the outfield, or, if no play is being made at first base, the batter-runner may touch either base. When returning to or re-touching first base, the runner must use the inside base.
If in the judgment of the umpire, a retired runner interferes with a double play, the ball shall become dead, the runner being played on shall be declared out and all remaining runners shall be returned to the base that was held at the time of the pitch.
Strike Zone:
A legally pitched ball not struck at that lands on any part of the strike zone which is 17″ by 34″ in length including the plate, will be ruled a strike (shoulder to knee strike zone eliminated.) The catcher must let ball land on any part of the strike zone to be called a strike. A strike will be called if the batter allows himself to be hit with a pitch that, in the umpire’s judgment, may have a chance to hit the strike zone. The pitch must arc over the batter’s head and may not arc more than 12 feet from the ground. Any pitch that lands short of the plate shall be declared a dead ball. The batter shall be called out if he/she swings at a pitch after it has struck the ground or plate.
There are no restrictions on the number of homeruns that may be hit by any player or team. The League Director, however, can implement the 1-up homerun rule in any league, at any time. After hitting a home run the player has the option to either A) run all the bases, or B) touch first base only. Players are no longer required to run all the bases, however, he/she must at least touch first base. If there are runners on base, they may also A) run the remaining bases, or B) touch only the next consecutive base. Each batter/runner is required to touch the next consecutive base at the minimum.
Infield Fly Rule:
Infield fly rule (a fair fly ball which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort) shall be called if there are runners on first and second or bases are loaded with less than two outs.
Overthrow (ball out of play):
Baserunners are entitled to advance two bases past the last one legally touched when an overthrown ball enters dead ball territory. The award shall be governed by the position of the runners when the throw left the fielder’s hand.
All equipment must meet USSSA Rulebook Guidelines. In addition, bats receiving a Bat-Performance-Factor (BPF) rating greater than 1.2 will not be allowed. If the batter hits a pitch, fair or foul, with an illegal or altered bat, the batter is out and the bat shall be removed from the game. If discovered before a pitch is hit, the bat will be removed from the game with no further penalty. The League Director also reserves the right to ban any bat that compromises the safety of the players. If the batter is discovered in the batter’s box with a banned bat, the batter will be declared out and the player will be ejected.
Metal cleats or shoes containing metal pieces are not allowed at any time in the City of Lancaster Adult League Softball. Casts, splints, and jewelry may not be worn.
Men’s League:
An official 12-inch ball shall be used.
The batter will begin his at-bat with a one-ball, one-strike count.
Women’s League:
An official 11-inch ball shall be used.
The batter will begin her at-bat with a no ball, no strike count.
Coed Hardball Rules:
An official 12-inch ball shall be used.
The batter will begin his/her at-bat with a no-ball no strike count.
The batting order must alternate between male and female. No two male players may bat back to back; however, two females may bat back to back.
Four consecutive pitches to a male batter, called a ball by the umpire, without a strike call during the at-bat, will result in the awarding of second base to that male batter. If a male batter receives a strike at any time during the at-bat and then receives a walk, he will only be awarded first base. Any time a male batter receives a walk, the female listed after him does not have an option and must bat.
Three outfielders must remain behind the 160-foot arc until the ball is hit. If a female is at bat, then the rover must also be a female. Penalty: The batter and all baserunners will be awarded one base unless each has advanced one base safely, in which case the play proceeds without reference to the violation. If a team is playing with less than ten fielders–they must keep three outfielders behind the arc until the ball is hit. There are no other defensive positioning requirements, male or female, except for the rover when a female is at bat.
The on-field line-up should be five men and five women. Teams may play with more women than men however may not play more men than women. If a team has more men than women, the men must use the proper substitution procedure and may not re-enter the game once they have been replaced. A minimum of eight players are necessary for the game to start or continue. The minimum number of male players allowed to start or to continue a game is three.
If a player is injured, ejected, or leaves the game, and there is no substitute available on the roster, an out will be recorded only the next time that player is due to bat. That player will then be skipped for the remainder of the game with no penalty and may not return to the game. If the batter is female and is batting between two male batters, the first time the female batter misses her turn and the out is recorded, both male batters will be allowed to bat. When the female batter is then skipped, the male batter listed after her in the order will also be skipped without penalty.
Coed Mushball Rules:
Coed Mushball rules shall be the same as the Coed Hardball rules, with the following exceptions:
A 12-inch, safety coated, rubber ball will be used. Every base is considered like first base and can be overrun even when trying to reestablish the base. Players may now also overrun the base going back. (Please note this rule change). Every base is considered to be a force-out situation on the runner. Once a base has been established, that base may not be overrun again. If you overrun an already-established base, the defensive player only needs to touch the base to effect an out. Only one change of direction is allowed to avoid a rundown. There is no “halfway” rule. The change of direction may be made anytime before the ball is received at the intended base.
Sliding is allowed only to avoid injury or hard contact. If the runner realizes that contact is imminent, yet also does not want to slide, that player can run by the base, without touching it, and still return to that base without danger of being called out. This rule also applies to home plate. Baserunners coming Home may touch either the standard Home Plate or the Extension to score. They can do this at any time regardless of where the ball is on defense. The Defense must touch the white part to effect an out.
Baserunners are strongly encouraged to touch the extension when running home.
No Player Shall:
At any time lay a hand upon, shove, strike, or threaten an official. Officials are required to immediately suspend player from further play and to report such player to the League Director. Such player shall remain suspended until his/her case has been considered by the League Director.
Minimum Penalty:
Suspension for three (3) years and placed on probation for one (1) year, after the completion of the three year suspension, from all sports.
Maximum Penalty:
Suspension for life and/or assault charges filed. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
No Player Shall:
Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any player or spectator. Officials are required to immediately suspend player from further play and to report such player to the League Director. Such player shall remain suspended until his/her case has been considered by the League Director.
Minimum Penalty:
Suspension for two (2) years and placed on probation for one (1) year, after the completion of the two year suspension, from all sports.
Maximum Penalty:
Suspension for life and/or assault charges filed. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
No Player Shall:
Be guilty of an abusive, verbal attack upon any player, official, or spectator. Officials are required to immediately suspend player from further play and to report such player to the League Director. Player shall remain suspended until his/her case has been considered by the League Director.
Minimum Penalty:
Suspension from three (3) league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
Maximum Penalty:
Suspension from league play for the remainder of the season. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
No Player Shall:
Be guilty of using unnecessary rough tactics in the play of the game against the opposing player. Officials are required to immediately suspend player from further play and to report such player to the League Director
Minimum Penalty:
Suspension from two (2) league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
Maximum Penalty:
Suspension for life. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
No Player Shall:
Refuse to abide by the official’s decision. Officials are required to immediately suspend player from further play and to report such player to the League Director. Such player shall remain suspended until his case has been considered by the League Director.
Minimum Penalty:
Suspension for two (2) league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
Maximum Penalty:
Suspension for the remainder of the season. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
No Player Shall:
At any time appear on the field of play in an intoxicated condition or consume any alcoholic beverage during any game time. Officials are required to immediately suspend player from play and to report such player to the League Director.
Minimum Penalty:
Suspension for three (3) league games and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
Maximum Penalty:
Suspension for the remainder of the season. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
No Player Shall:
Discuss with an official, in any manner, the decision reached by such official, except the team manager or captain.
Minimum Penalty:
Warning by the official
Maximum Penalty:
Removal from the game and a two game suspension. The team may also be subject to suspension from play in any and all City of Lancaster leagues and/or tournaments.
Any player suspended from the league, either as an individual or as a member of a suspended team, carries that suspension, and all of its corresponding restrictions, for the duration of that suspension, regardless of league, team, or sport change.
The League Director and the Recreation Superintendent shall have the power and full discretion of imposing, increasing, or decreasing penalties on all violations of the Player’s & Team Code of Conduct. In any violation, whether team or individual, not included in the code, the penalty shall be at the discretion of the League Director and the Recreation Superintendent. Any player placed on probation for the remainder of the season and/or year, reported again for violating the Code of Conduct, will be suspended from all sports indefinitely. Managers shall be held responsible to see that their players are acquainted with the Player’s & Team Code of Conduct which lists infractions of the code as well as the penalty that each one entails. Misconduct on the part of any player is justification for removal of the team from further play and forfeiture of the game. Officials are covered by the Player’s & Team Code of Conduct twenty-four hours a day. If officials are intimidated before, during, or after the game, the manager, player, or team could be subject to disciplinary action as deemed necessary by the League Director. All penalties imposed based upon the Player’s & Team Code of Conduct are subject to player appeal. Any and all appeals must be scheduled at the convenience of the Sports Department, and made in person by the suspended player. No appeals will be accepted over the telephone or the fax machine. All penalties imposed based upon the Player’s & Team Code of Conduct are effective immediately, and will be imposed to the maximum possible unless changed by the League Director.
For rules clarification, suggestions, or further information contact John Sanders at 723-6071.